Open Your Peripheral Vision and Watch the Magic Happen!
Welcome to another TurnAround Thursday!
Today, let’s dive into how opening up your range of focus can be the key to transforming tricky moments into living examples of joy and sustainability, even when you’re feeling like a circus juggler with too many flaming torches in your hands.
Now, we all have that one child in our lives – whether they’re your kid, a student, or your neighbor’s child (or adult, i.e., little kid in a big body) who seems to think their shoes are made of glue – they just won’t budge!
You’re probably asking yourself …
“Why can’t they just behave and stayhave!?”
Watch this week’s micro-dose TurnAround and find out exactly why:
Want more?
Then grab a ‘Cup of Jo’ and make today your best day EVER!
But here’s the kicker: when you focus on that misbehavior, your brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS) puts on its detective hat.
The RAS is like that overly enthusiastic friend who only looks for the latest coffee shop in town.
The moment you start zeroing in on the negatives, every single mishap becomes your new obsession!
Think about it: you decide you want a red car. Suddenly, red cars are everywhere!
But when you focus solely on the problem behavior – say, that tendency to throw tantrums over broccoli – your brain waves a giant red flag, blocking out any positive actions that might be happening right under your nose.
“Ah-ha! Broccoli tantrums on loop!” It shouts,
neglecting to see the kid who helped their sibling.
Problematic behaviors are where my MAPit Micro System comes in, like a superhero with a slightly nerdy cape.
Instead of locking and loading your problem-hunting instincts, let’s switch gears …
This week’s TurnAround is: Ask yourself, “Where am I looking?”
By pivoting your attention to potential solutions, you’re not only opening the door to new possibilities but also redefining how you view the situation.
Adopt the mindset that solutions exist beyond the problem matrix.
Start TODAY!
Grab a cup of coffee (or whatever gets your motor running) and brainstorm all the silver linings amidst the chaos.
Maybe that big behavior was a cry for attention, or perhaps the broccoli was just too crunchy for a discerning palate.
Whatever it is, don’t let those flaming torches distract you.
Instead, channel your inner Sherlock and discover the solutions in the wings.
So, the next time you feel overwhelmed,
take a breath, refocus, and watch the magic unfold.
Together, let’s make every Thursday a TurnAround day —not just for you but also for all the lives you touch and nurture.
Remember, it’s all about opening up the visual reach of your perspective.
Now, go see how many red cars you can spot on your drive home!
Reaching out …
PS … Now that you’ve discovered the importance of shifting your focus, imagine how much more effective you could be with a structured approach to managing behavior. You’re not alone in feeling like a circus juggler—many of us are in the same boat. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about nurturing young lives.
Head over to and check out my MAPit Micro System. This dynamic TurnAround System is here to guide you through the challenges and equip you with strategies to foster meaningful connections with the youth in your life.
Embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact!
What You Can Do Next:
1. Subscribe to my Newsletter:
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2. Register for my FREE 60-Minute MasterClass:
Register for my free binge-worthy class The Energetics of Behavior: 3 Energy Hacks that TurnAround Big Behaviors in 30 Seconds …or Less! Classes run several times per week to accommodate your busy schedule.
3. Enroll in my Academic Success: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student® Course
Enroll now in my proven accelerated learning system for busy educators and parents ready for change. Plus, for a limited time, save 50% —completely risk-free and with lifetime access.