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If you’re going to get children to do as you’ve asked, when you’ve asked, it’s not going to happen by accident.

You must connect energetically first.

In Make A Difference with the Power of Connection, I’ll show you how to connect without so much resistance, so you can stay peaceful and enjoy how children thrive.

If you’re going to get children to do as you’ve asked, when you’ve asked, it’s not going to happen by accident.

You must connect energetically first.

In Make A Difference with the Power of Connection, I’ll show you how to connect without so much resistance, so you can stay peaceful and enjoy how children thrive.

What others are saying …

Kelly Harris, a PTA Parent said it best …

“I just watched your Make A Difference with the Power of Connection movie.  Wow!  I had so many light bulb moments as I was watching it. I am a 45-year-old mom of two girls. My oldest daughter is 16, and I can see where I have not been connecting with her and can hardly wait for her to come home from her band camp to start connecting. My baby is just 18 months old, and I can see where I have already started the same sad way of reacting to things. But now I am certain I can change that too. It would be my wish that my school’s Administration would provide your book for every single person on the faculty and staff. Thank You!”

Vern Kennedy, Director of Educational Programs writes …

“When I viewed your movie about the Power of Connection, it brought tears to my eyes. Our Superintendent believes in educating the whole child and has been a very innovative leader since she arrived. Each year, she assigns to leadership, reading material that is designed to clearly set the tone for positive change.

I was very impressed with the critical elements you captured in the movie and its companion book to specifically assist teachers and parents in succeeding with ALL children, regardless of the situation. I wish every person entering the teaching profession were able to read it – able and required to read it!

It’s a book for ALL people. Wonderful bit of writing. I repeat! I shall read it again many times. I especially enjoyed the story about Randy – and haven’t we all had a Randy in our classrooms? Bless you for changing the lives of so many kids like this.”

What others are saying …

Chantal Snellgrove, Founder Parenting Special Needs Magazine writes …

“You had me at 1-hour read! I’ve been going to therapy with my neurodivergent daughter for years and when I watched one of your bonus videos it was like the light went on at long last; not just about my daughter, but mostly for me.

The importance of checking in with my energy first and then leaning in to find out what my daughter’s take (intuition) on the situation is turns things around faster than I ever imagined.

So often it feels like we’re not making a significant difference and you answered that in the book by saying, ‘Remember always that you receive the instant you give and, in that you can trust you’ve made a difference in someone’s life because you felt it in your own …’ which gives me the boost I need to keep on keeping on.”

Kelly Harris, a PTA Parent said it best …

“I just watched your Make A Difference with the Power of Connection movie highlighting the main concepts in your book. Wow!  I had so many light bulb moments as I was watching it. I am a 45-year-old mom of two girls. My oldest daughter is 16, and I can see where I have not been connecting with her and can hardly wait for her to come home from her band camp to start connecting. My baby is just 18 months old, and I can see where I have already started the same sad way of reacting to things. But now I am certain I can change that too. It would be my wish that my school’s administration would provide your book for every single person on the faculty and staff. Thank You!”

– Kathy Hess-Reneau, Educational Consultant – TX writes …

“When I viewed your movie from your book about the Power of Connection, it brought tears to my eyes. Our Superintendent believes in educating the whole child and has been a very innovative leader since she arrived. Each year, she assigns to leadership, reading material that is designed to clearly set the tone for positive change.

I was very impressed with the critical elements you captured in the movie and its companion book to specifically assist teachers and parents in succeeding with ALL children, regardless of the situation. I wish every person entering the teaching profession were able to read it – able and required to read it!

It’s a book for ALL people. Wonderful bit of writing. I repeat! I shall read it again many times. I especially enjoyed the story about Randy – and haven’t we all had a Randy in our classrooms? Bless you for changing the lives of so many kids like this.”

As a former “problem” child, there is a pull inside of me to help educators, parents and administrators just like you, relabel children, accelerate learning by creating a welcoming, compassionate, synergistic team culture and build stronger, more productive relationships in your classrooms and homes using my Make A Difference with the Power of Connection book with its companion training program Academic Success 101: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student.


As a former “problem” child, there is a pull inside of me to help educators, parents and administrators just like you, relabel children, accelerate learning by creating a welcoming, compassionate, synergistic team culture and build stronger, more productive relationships in your classrooms and homes using my Make A Difference with the Power of Connection book with it’s companion training program Academic Success 101: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student.








This 3rd Edition 1-HOUR READ is a little book that Speaks Volumes: Rich Content that causes Instantaneous Positive Behavioral Change with unskillful behavior.

For educators and parents, this book is NOT about woo-woo ways to magically wave a wand to get kids to behave and “stay-have” even though it will seem magical!

Keep this book handy, so you can pick it up and remember what a significant difference you make the second you decide to energetically connect with compassion.



This 3rd Edition 1-HOUR READ is a little book that Speaks Volumes: Rich Content that causes Instantaneous Positive Behavioral Change with unskillful behavior.

For educators and parents, this book is NOT about woo-woo ways to magically wave a wand to get kids to behave and “stay-have” even though it will seem magical!

Keep this book handy, so you can pick it up and remember what a significant difference you make the second you decide to energetically connect with compassion.

Digital Copy Download:



In less than 30 seconds, you can change a life for the better
by Connecting with Compassionate Attention.
This soothing, conversational book reminds us just how
important a shift in perception can be in changing a child’s
life and making a life-affirming difference.

Digital Copy Download:



In less than 30 seconds, you can change a life for the better by Connecting with Compassionate Attention. This soothing, conversational book reminds us just how important a shift in perception can be in changing a child’s life and making a life-affirming difference.
Disclaimer: Our vision is to help you step more fully into your greatness. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantee about your ability to get any particular results with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, your expertise, and the actions you take. Any testimonials mentioned in emails or referenced on any of our web pages should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of improved mental health, behavioral or academic success – all success stories are illustrative only, as I’m sure you understand. That being said, we believe in you, and we are here to support you in making the changes you want for your life and giving you methods, strategies and ideas which may help move you in the direction of your heart’s desires.
Disclaimer: Our vision is to help you step more fully into your greatness. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantee about your ability to get any particular results with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, your expertise, and the actions you take. Any testimonials mentioned in emails or referenced on any of our web pages should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of improved mental health, behavioral or academic success – all success stories are illustrative only, as I’m sure you understand. That being said, we believe in you, and we are here to support you in making the changes you want for your life and giving you methods, strategies and ideas which may help move you in the direction of your heart’s desires.