Accelerate Learning in
Every. Single. Student.

-Mary Reynolds M.S.


Learning in

Every. Single.


-Mary Reynolds M.S.

When it comes to Accelerated Learning,

Mary teaches an evocative model where teachers help their students

access the answers from their genius within.

When it comes to Accelerated Learning, Mary teaches an evocative model where teachers help their students access the answers from their genius within.


Burned Out Teachers!

Academic Success 101: The NEW Basics! How To Teach What You Want The Way You Want AND Accelerate Learning in 9 Weeks Or Less


Burned Out Teachers!

Academic Success 101: The NEW Basics! How To Teach What You Want The Way You Want AND Accelerate Learning in 9 Weeks Or Less

The following is a message for every burned-out teacher | parent who longs to infuse the love of learning into every single student but can’t as long as any student is emotionally checked-out.

The following is a message for every burned-out teacher ǀ parent who longs to infuse the love of learning into every single student but can’t as long as any student is emotionally checked-out.

From The Desk of: Mary Reynolds

Re: How to accelerate every student's learning

Hi, I’m Mary Reynolds and I am a Behavioral TurnAround Specialist who has helped thousands of teachers, administrators and parents to BE the adult that children love to show up and learn for.

I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about how to get every student successful!  Every. Single. Student.
In fact, here’s the biggest problem you face right now that’s de-energizing you:
But that’s not the end of your problems. It actually gets worse! Why?

From The Desk of:

Mary Reynolds

Re: How to

accelerate every

student’s learning

Hi, I’m Mary Reynolds and I am a Behavioral TurnAround Specialist who has helped thousands of teachers, administrators and parents to BE the adult that children love to show up and learn for.
I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about how to get every student successful!  Every. Single. Student.
In fact, here’s the biggest problem you face right now that’s de-energizing you:
It’s just how hard you’ve decided things have to be with any student coming into your classroom with problematic behaviors and diagnoses.
But that’s not the end of your problems. It actually gets worse! Why?

Because your current mindset about “certain” students not only de-energizes you by thinking this way, but it is also energetically inflammatory to students who know they’ve been labeled “the problem” just like I was, and maybe you were too.

Which means that every single situation that you push against attitudinally, will blow up. It’s guaranteed to get you some form of back-lash that will take hours to for you and everyone else to recover from.
And, worst of all, most burned-out teachers can’t get past the idea that slowing things down to get to the heart of the problem is too “soft” and will end up taking too much time and energy away from the teaching you aren’t getting done.

But luckily for you there’s now a solution to your problem!!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you…
There I was, a “problem” child according to my parents and teachers trying to shine my light, find the fun way to do things and find other kids to play with because I was so terribly lonely.
The thing is, growing up, I hated how my parents used authoritarian tactics of shame, humiliation and punitive tactics at home and in public.

At age 17, after a repeat lecture (for the thousandth time) my mother slapped me so hard it sent me across the room, I secretly promised myself I would never, ever treat any child in my care the way I’d been treated by the adults (most teachers and relatives) in my life.

Because your current mindset about “certain” students not only de-energizes you by thinking this way, but it is also energetically inflammatory to students who know they’ve been labeled “the problem” just like I was, and maybe you were too.
Which means that every single situation that you push against attitudinally, will blow up. It’s guaranteed to get you some form of back-lash that will take hours to for you and everyone else to recover from.
And, worst of all, most burned-out teachers can’t get past the idea that slowing things down to get to the heart of the problem is too “soft” and will end up taking too much time and energy away from the teaching you aren’t getting done.

But luckily for you there’s now a solution to your problem!!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you…

There I was, a “problem” child according to my parents and teachers trying to shine my light, find the fun way to do things and find other kids to play with because I was so terribly lonely.

The thing is, growing up, I hated how my parents used authoritarian tactics of shame, humiliation and punitive tactics at home and in public.

At age 17, after a repeat lecture (for the thousandth time) my mother slapped me so hard it sent me across the room, I secretly promised myself I would never, ever treat any child in my care the way I’d been treated by the adults (most teachers and relatives) in my life.

The big problem was that keeping this promise to myself came up early in my first teaching job when I heard my mother’s rhythmic, shaming “How many times have I told you” lecture starting to come out of my mouth directed at my entire classroom.
To me that meant I was becoming my mother and I had promised myself I would never treat any child the way that I had been treated and yet here I was, using the same condescending lecture she used that I hated, which stopped me dead in my tracks.
The big problem was that keeping this promise to myself came up early in my first teaching job when I heard my mother’s rhythmic, shaming “How many times have I told you” lecture starting to come out of my mouth directed at my entire classroom.
To me that meant I was becoming my mother and I had promised myself I would never treat any child the way that I had been treated and yet here I was, using the same condescending lecture she used that I hated, which stopped me dead in my tracks.

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to put myself in my students’ shoes to get to the heart of the problem by asking “what” not “why” questions.

To STOP-LOOK-LISTEN first to find out what was going on for them that they needed my help socially, emotionally and academically.
I realized that by taking a moment to adjust my lens, I’d never get opposition from students ever again, no matter what I was asking them to do …
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to put myself in my students’ shoes to get to the heart of the problem by asking “what” not “why” questions.
To STOP-LOOK-LISTEN first to find out what was going on for them that they needed my help socially, emotionally and academically.
I realized that by taking a moment to adjust my lens, I’d never get opposition from students ever again, no matter what I was asking them to do …

So, I …

DITCHED the attitude, vibe and tone to everything I said and thought about any student with problematic, unskillful behavior.

But I didn’t stop there.

I then DITCHED using humiliating, shaming, guilting tactics to “teach them a lesson” so they wouldn’t do what they did ever again.
Bottom line:  In the end I was able to get to the heart of any problematic behavior or academic quandary and turn it around in 30 seconds or less more times than not.
Building on that success, I decided to turn it into a 3-Step Dance that anybody could quickly learn to do to get to the heart of any problem and turn it around..

I called it, “The 30 Second TurnAround”

With The 30 Second TurnAround I can now help parents and educators who are frustrated and upset with children of any age, repeating unproductive, unskillful behaviors, get to the heart of the problem and turn it around without using threatening or punitive tactics!
And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
So, here’s what I’ve got for you today …

If you’re a burned-out teacher who really needs to infuse the love of learning into every single student, but can’t as long as any student is emotionally checked out, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for…

So, I …

DITCHED the attitude, vibe and tone to everything I said and thought about any student with problematic, unskillful behavior.

But I didn’t stop there.

I then DITCHED using humiliating, shaming, guilting tactics to “teach them a lesson” so they wouldn’t do what they did ever again.
Bottom line:  In the end I was able to get to the heart of any problematic behavior or academic quandary and turn it around in 30 seconds or less more times than not.
Building on that success, I decided to turn it into a 3-Step Dance that anybody could quickly learn to do to get to the heart of any problem and turn it around..

I called it, “The 30 Second TurnAround”

With The 30 Second TurnAround I can now help parents and educators who are frustrated and upset with children of any age, repeating unproductive, unskillful behaviors, get to the heart of the problem and turn it around without using threatening or punitive tactics!

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So, here’s what I’ve got for you today …

If you’re a burned-out teacher who really needs to infuse the love of learning into every single student, but can’t as long as any student is emotionally checked out, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for…

Introducing… the Best Energy Hacks™ EVER For Teachers Who Are Doing All The Right Things But Still Getting Miserable Results.  For Teachers Who Want To Enjoy The Soul-fulfilling Hum Of Students Learning And Being Productive Both Individually And Together

Academic Success 101:
How To Teach What You Want
The Way You Want
AND Accelerate Learning in 9 Weeks or Less helps you …

M: find the Meaning …

A: reach Alignment …

P: state your Preferences …

i: how to Implement …

t: we Team up

… and much, MUCH more!

And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with “Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for” in seconds when you apply this quick and easy system, and it costs less than a fancy dinner out on the town.
So again, if you’re a teacher who wants to ignite, engage and empower every student to succeed personally and academically, understand this:

Introducing… the Best Behavior Hacks™ EVER For Teachers Who Are Doing All The Right Things But Still Getting Miserable Results. For Teachers Who Want To Enjoy The Soul-fulfilling Hum Of Students Learning And Being Productive Both Individually And Together.

Academic Success 101: How To Teach What You Want The Way You Want
AND Accelerate Learning in 9 Weeks or Less helps you …

M: find the Meaning …

A: reach Alignment …

P: state your Preferences …

i: how to Implement …

t: in this Together …

… and much, MUCH more!

And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with “Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for” in seconds when you apply this quick and easy system, and it costs less than a fancy dinner out on the town.
So again, if you’re a teacher who wants to ignite, engage and empower every student to succeed personally and academically, understand this:

Your reasons why you don’t have time to learn the NEW BASICS are the very reasons that will be remedied by what you are about to learn how to see and do …

Your reasons why you don’t have time to learn the NEW BASICS are the very reasons that will be remedied by what you are about to learn how to see and do …

According to HeartMath Institute’s research:

It takes between 1 and 5 hours after an emotional upset for the body to restore its homeostasis of the heart and nervous systems and that depends of course, on whether or not we continue to remain upset – playing things over and over and over again in our minds …

According to HeartMath Institute’s research:
It takes between 1 and 5 hours after an emotional upset for the body to restore its homeostasis of the heart and nervous systems and that depends of course, on whether or not we continue to remain upset – playing things over and over and over again in our minds …


In my 40 years of teaching, I am consistently energized because of a small set of counter-intuitive practices I put in place.

Because of my 9-Week Accelerate Learning System, I spent the remainder of the year getting to teach what I want, how I wanted, and my students scored high on standardized testing even with classroom populations of 55-65% behaviorally problematic and academically challenging students.

AND I got to go home at the end of every day with a good tired, not a “what’s the use” wiped-out tired. 

Energized every day because of it.


In my 40 years of teaching, I am consistently energized because of a small set of counter-intuitive practices I put in place.

Because of my 9-Week Accelerate Learning System, I spent the remainder of the year getting to teach what I want, how I wanted, and my students scored high on standardized testing even with classroom populations of 55-65% behaviorally problematic and academically challenging students.

AND I got to go home at the end of every day with a good tired, not a “what’s the use” wiped-out tired. 

Energized every day because of it.

“… she sat there for the rest of the circle time and did not interrupt me.”

This is Pam in Texas, and I have one little girl that talks and talks and talks for everybody in class. I used Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround on her, and she sat there for the rest of the circle time and did not interrupt me one time.

“… it took less than a minute for him to shift from a 10 to an 8.”

This is Martha and I used your technique with a 12-year-old while he was screaming, ranting, raving and hitting himself because he was very angry about something. It took less than a minute for him to shift from a 10 out of 10 to an 8 where we could have a conversation where I didn’t try to fix him.

“… she sat there for the rest of the circle time and did not interrupt me.”

This is Pam in Texas, and I have one little girl that talks and talks and talks for everybody in class. I used Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround on her, and she sat there for the rest of the circle time and did not interrupt me one time.

“… it took less than a minute for him to shift from a 10 to an 8.”

This is Martha and I used your technique with a 12-year-old while he was screaming, ranting, raving and hitting himself because he was very angry about something. It took less than a minute for him to shift from a 10 out of 10 to an 8 where we could have a conversation where I didn’t try to fix him.

“... the little darlings quickly became calmer, and it did get us about an hour of peace.”

This is Jennifer in Texas and I’ll be honest and tell you I took this with a grain of salt this week, but then I started using your 30 Second TurnAround Technique, and the little darlings quickly became calmer, and it did get us about an hour of peace throughout the morning.

“Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround... So great.  

So great!”

This is Dona, and I’m an administrator in a Charter School.  I had many opportunities to use Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround this week, modeling it in front of other people. I’ve noticed that they’re starting to use it too. So great, so great!

“... the little darlings quickly became calmer, and it did get us about an hour of peace.”

This is Jennifer in Texas and I’ll be honest and tell you I took this with a grain of salt this week, but then I started using your 30 Second TurnAround Technique, and the little darlings quickly became calmer, and it did get us about an hour of peace throughout the morning.

“Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround... So great.  

So great!”

This is Dona, and I’m an administrator in a Charter School.  I had many opportunities to use Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround this week, modeling it in front of other people. I’ve noticed that they’re starting to use it too. So great, so great!

“... interested in seeing if you used 'airy fairy' ways.”

Based on your weekly newsletters, I was very interested in seeing how you would take what a lot of people refer to as “airy fairy” ways and putting a very practical spin on it.

I think you’ve really done that.

“You can just see where the disconnecting words squashes at-risk kids...”

… and how turning it around and asking these questions will make them feel more empowered.  That’s head on!  It allows them to take ownership.  I can now see how my son reacts to ineffective language from school personnel. 

“... interested in seeing if you used 'airy fairy' ways.”

Based on your weekly newsletters, I was very interested in seeing how you would take what a lot of people refer to as “airy fairy” ways and putting a very practical spin on it.

I think you’ve really done that.

“You can just see where the disconnecting words squashes at-risk kids...”

… and how turning it around and asking these questions will make them feel more empowered.  That’s head on!  It allows them to take ownership.  I can now see how my son reacts to ineffective language from school personnel. 

“... start looking at things we could do something about!”

I just had some colleagues that were caught in one of those vicious cycles: problem, problem, problem and we were stifling our creativity by focusing on the problem. When I brought that up to them they agreed and the light turned on and everything shifted.

“... getting myself in a tizzy every morning getting out the door.”

I noticed that I was grumbling a lot on the way to school in the mornings with my children and in doing this week’s assignment I decided to focus on my language to create a harmonious, peaceful experience for me and the kids to start our day ready to learn.

“... start looking at things we could do something about!”

I just had some colleagues that were caught in one of those vicious cycles: problem, problem, problem and we were stifling our creativity by focusing on the problem. When I brought that up to them they agreed and the light turned on and everything shifted.

“... getting myself in a tizzy every morning getting out the door.”

I noticed that I was grumbling a lot on the way to school in the mornings with my children and in doing this week’s assignment I decided to focus on my language to create a harmonious, peaceful experience for me and the kids to start our day ready to learn.

“ ... in each case this has allowed students to reach for what is going on for them.”

I used this in two different cases today and it didn’t take that long for it to work.  In each situation WIW allowed them to think through their unproductive behaviors.  At first, they didn’t know, but then in sticking with the strategy, they were able to reach for their own answers.

“ Following WIW strategy didn't appear to yield anything initially, but then ...”

… in the course of the conversation I had an epiphany about what I like about myself and I said that to the person with peaceful calmness. Then two days later they called and said there’s no reason for us to have this strife.  Since then it’s been very supportive and emotionally open.

“ ... in each case this has allowed students to reach for what is going on for them.”

I used this in two different cases today and it didn’t take that long for it to work.  In each situation WIW allowed them to think through their unproductive behaviors.  At first, they didn’t know, but then in sticking with the strategy, they were able to reach for their own answers.

“ Following WIW strategy didn't appear to yield anything initially, but then ...”

… in the course of the conversation I had an epiphany about what I like about myself and I said that to the person with peaceful calmness. Then two days later they called and said there’s no reason for us to have this strife.  Since then it’s been very supportive and emotionally open.

In this course you'll learn to:
  • reignite Teacher Morale
  • instantly match & mirror each of the 4 Personality Styles to get students to do what you want when you want
  • get to the heart - once and for all - of unproductive behaviors
  • mentally create an Attitude Free Zone & understand in concrete terms exactly why it's imperative that you do!
  • break the Cycles of Failure by getting in front of the 5 problematic and limiting Core Beliefs in Every. Single. Student.
  • turnaround unproductive Emotional Triggers without fixing
  • quickly Re-Label students who are struggling and are problematic for you
  • move through emotionally intense situations with Mary's 3-Step Dance that will elegantly impact and influence even the most belligerent student!
  • shift your perception quickly and easily
  • mentally create an Attitude Free Zone & understand in concrete terms exactly why it's imperatitake ANY problem and turn it completely around in 30 seconds or lessve that you do!
  • dissipate the destabilizing energy of other people's limiting beliefs
  • take ANY problem and turn it completely around in 30 seconds or less

Check out the entire course...


(24 HOURS -20 min shorts – Video Training)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Check out the entire course...


(24 HOURS of

Video Training)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If “Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for” doesn’t help you…

M: find the Meaning behind the unspoken Message the behavior is spelling out…

if it doesn’t help you…

A: reach Alignment for everyone involved by suspending all judgment in favor of being seen, heard and valued…

if it fails to help you…

P: articulate each person’s Preferences for the “next time” this kind of upset starts to happen…

then I’ll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain in getting every student successful results!

If “Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for” doesn’t help you …

M: find the Meaning behind the unspoken Message the behavior is spelling out…

if it doesn’t help you…

A: reach Alignment for everyone involved by suspending all judgment in favor of being seen, heard and valued…

if it fails to help you…

P: articulate each person’s Preferences for the “next time” this kind of upset starts to happen…

then I’ll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain in getting every student successful results!

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happy customers enjoying Mary Reynolds’ Resources

Join the


happy customers enjoying Mary Reynolds’ Resources

Improve your students’ focus, engagement & productivity in under 9 Weeks

You get 9 modules each with an intro and exit video, 24 hours of Audio/MP3s previously recorded live training with 1:1 group coaching with Mary. 

Module audios run between 60 – 120 minutes per module – (average 20 min segments) with unlimited access – because you have the course for life!

Plus, you’ll hear participants commenting frequently how fast the time flies and just how much they love how simple my tricks, tips and techniques are to learn and get quick, positive results from.

You’ll learn fast and effective ways to identify “what’s at the heart” of disruptive behaviors – so you experience greater focus and productivity daily.

Binge watch or slow watch – at your pace – and at your place. Your video and audio course has unlimited access – so you can conveniently fit it into your schedule.

Improve your students’ focus, engagement & productivity in less than 9 Weeks

You get 9 modules each with an intro and exit video, 24 hours of Audio/MP3s previously recorded live training with 1:1 group coaching with Mary. 

Module audios run between 60 – 120 minutes per module – (average 20 min segments) with unlimited access – because you have the course for life!

Plus, you’ll hear participants commenting frequently how fast the time flies and just how much they love how simple my tricks, tips and techniques are to learn and get quick, positive results from.

You’ll learn fast and effective ways to identify “what’s at the heart” of disruptive behaviors – so you experience greater focus and productivity daily.

Binge watch or slow watch – at your pace – and at your place. Your video and audio course has unlimited access – so you can conveniently fit it into your schedule.

I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this.

I just really enjoyed hearing a different way of approaching kids other than, I’m the teacher, you’re the student, shut up and sit down.  Do what I say because I’m the teacher and you’re the student.

I was very interested in seeing how you would take what a lot of people refer to as “airy fairy” ways and putting a very practical spin on it.

I think you’ve really done that.

Very practical approaches to taking something like compassion and making it part of the classroom. I really appreciate the work you do, and

I really have enjoyed the nine-week course.  Thank you so much.


I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this.

I just really enjoyed hearing a different way of approaching kids other than, I’m the teacher, you’re the student, shut up and sit down.  Do what I say because I’m the teacher and you’re the student.

I was very interested in seeing how you would take what a lot of people refer to as “airy fairy” ways and putting a very practical spin on it.

I think you’ve really done that.

Very practical approaches to taking something like compassion and making it part of the classroom. I really appreciate the work you do, and

I really have enjoyed the nine-week course.  Thank you so much.


I just wanted to tell you that as I have sat through this for nine weeks, it has dawned on me right now, that what you have been teaching has been the philosophy that I have used almost my entire life.

My grandmother taught it to me. It was always that you catch more flies with honey, than vinegar. With everything.

What you’re talking about goes hand in hand with that thought. I enjoy listening to your honey.
– Jennifer

I just wanted to tell you that as I have sat through this for nine weeks, it has dawned on me right now, that what you have been teaching has been the philosophy that I have used almost my entire life.

My grandmother taught it to me. It was always that you catch more flies with honey, than vinegar. With everything.

What you’re talking about goes hand in hand with that thought. I enjoy listening to your honey.
– Jennifer

It is now plain as day for me to see the negativism that surrounds Donald’s spirit.

With this knowledge, I have been rejuvenated and have found a new passage to Donald’s spirit.

I am optimistic.

However, it has taken about eight weeks for there to be noticeable change in Donald, just as Mary indicated it would.

Donald is now keeping up with all assignments in my class and spends extra time in my room on his own. He is an inspiration to others.

My attitude about Donald has changed significantly since last fall. I have learned that he is very capable, and I have learned to really care about him.

-A. McGuire

It is now plain as day for me to see the negativism that surrounds Donald’s spirit.

With this knowledge, I have been rejuvenated and have found a new passage to Donald’s spirit.

I am optimistic.

However, it has taken about eight weeks for there to be noticeable change in Donald, just as Mary indicated it would.

Donald is now keeping up with all assignments in my class and spends extra time in my room on his own. He is an inspiration to others.

My attitude about Donald has changed significantly since last fall. I have learned that he is very capable, and I have learned to really care about him.

-A. McGuire

Course includes Mary’s Top 5 Energy Hacks …

Course includes Mary’s Top 5 Energy Hacks:

Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround  (Life Changing)

My 30-Second MindSpell TurnAround Technique is like a Radio Frequency Jammer – Scrambler – using this “think this and not that” technique will literally amaze you how quickly people are no longer able to access what it was they were so upset about.  It IS the ONE thing you CAN remember to do when you don’t know what to do!

Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround (Life Changing)

My 30-Second MindSpell TurnAround Technique is like a Radio Frequency Jammer – Scrambler – using this “think this and not that” technique will literally amaze you how quickly people are no longer able to access what it was they were so upset about.  It IS the ONE thing you CAN remember to do when you don’t know what to do!

Mary’s Signature WIW:  What, If, When Method (Life Changing)

This quick and easy method is the shortcut for you to turn around intense situations in 30 seconds or less so you can quickly take the air out of angry outbursts, oppositional back-lash and restore the peace for everyone involved so you can win back the time and energy that you’ve been spending recovering from one disruption after another.

Mary’s Signature WIW:  What, If, When Method (Life Changing)

This quick and easy method is the shortcut for you to turn around intense situations in 30 seconds or less so you can quickly take the air out of angry outbursts, oppositional back-lash and restore the peace for everyone involved so you can win back the time and energy that you’ve been spending recovering from one disruption after another.

Mary’s Jedi Mind Trick (Life Changing)

Do you sometimes find yourself wishing today’s youth would heed your concerns effortlessly, without any hassle, arguments or persistent reminders, especially when you’re not around to enforce them? Well, Mary’s easy-to-do trick will help you subtly slide in a cautionary directive that they take to heart ensuring they truly understand and will follow even in your absence.

Mary’s Breaking Cycles of Failure (Life Changing)

Have you ever wondered what keeps driving self-destructive behaviors in your students?  There are several puzzle pieces to this.  The first is core beliefs.  More times than not, you get to the heart of the belief and the other puzzle pieces solve themselves.  Learn how!

Mary’s Ineffective VS Effective Language (Life Changing)

All of our interactions are energetic in nature. The energy of the words we use to “teach a lesson” or make our point can quickly blow things up.  Contrary to popular belief, previous languaging improvements are actually extremely inflammatory. There are only a few land-mines to remember not to use any more.

When you change them up – switch them out – you will be well able to keep things on track.

Mary’s Ineffective VS Effective Language (Life Changing)

All of our interactions are energetic in nature. The energy of the words we use to “teach a lesson” or make our point can quickly blow things up.  Contrary to popular belief, previous languaging improvements are actually extremely inflammatory. There are only a few land-mines to remember not to use any more.

When you change them up – switch them out – you will be well able to keep things on track.

Mary’s Signature 7-Best One Liners (Life Changing)

Any one of these 7 One-Liners in 7 Words or Less is the shortcut that will Nip Bullish Behaviors in the Bud in 30 seconds or less.  You can now stop unproductive conversations in their tracks get back on track and start resolving differences for the common good.

Mary’s Signature 7-Best One Liners (Life Changing)

Any one of these 7 One-Liners in 7 Words or Less is the shortcut that will Nip Bullish Behaviors in the Bud in 30 seconds or less.  You can now stop unproductive conversations in their tracks get back on track and start resolving differences for the common good.

I guess the most valuable thing I have learned from this experience has been that I can really look at a child whose outward appearances aren’t the best and realize that inside is a neat kid just waiting to blossom.

Now that I “see” Billie in a new light, it is easy to reaffirm to him that he is lovable and capable.

I didn’t expect to find my time with Billie as much fun when I first starting working with him but after taking your class, I can truly say that my changed attitude towards Billie has been a worthwhile experience for me and I find myself even trying to do some of the same things with my other students.

I keep telling myself that each one needs some form of relabeling™ and to make it a point every day to recognize the worthiness of each one I see. 

-Carolyn Papulski

I guess the most valuable thing I have learned from this experience has been that I can really look at a child whose outward appearances aren’t the best and realize that inside is a neat kid just waiting to blossom.

Now that I “see” Billie in a new light, it is easy to reaffirm to him that he is lovable and capable.

I didn’t expect to find my time with Billie as much fun when I first starting working with him but after taking your class, I can truly say that my changed attitude towards Billie has been a worthwhile experience for me and I find myself even trying to do some of the same things with my other students.

I keep telling myself that each one needs some form of relabeling™ and to make it a point every day to recognize the worthiness of each one I see.

-Carolyn Papulski

I just wanted to tell you how much this has meant to me, because you validated me.

You’ve made me feel good about what I do.

I mean, people are always quick to criticize, but so many times, if you are doing something that is good, they don’t tell you that. They tell you when you mess up, they don’t always tell you when you’ve done something good.

You’ve been talking about the soothing balm; this course has been that for me. I get emotional when I say that, but this has been that for me. I really appreciate it.


I just wanted to tell you how much this has meant to me, because you validated me.

You’ve made me feel good about what I do.

I mean, people are always quick to criticize, but so many times, if you are doing something that is good, they don’t tell you that. They tell you when you mess up, they don’t always tell you when you’ve done something good.

You’ve been talking about the soothing balm; this course has been that for me. I get emotional when I say that, but this has been that for me. I really appreciate it.


Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses …

Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses …

BONUS 1:  9 Weeks to a Make A Difference Year Curriculum ($97)

When you simply follow this “done for you curriculum” you will be easily able to: Stop fearing students’ unskillful behavior aimed at you and/or their classmates. Start modeling confident, safe, explorative conversations. Join the many thousands of educators around the world who have intentionally set the tone for their classrooms – for good! Become highly productive academically – both socially and emotionally!

BONUS 1:  9 Weeks to a Make A Difference Year Curriculum ($97)

When you simply follow this “done for you curriculum” you will be easily able to: Stop fearing students’ unskillful behavior aimed at you and/or their classmates. Start modeling confident, safe, explorative conversations. Join the many thousands of educators around the world who have intentionally set the tone for their classrooms – for good! Become highly productive academically – both socially and emotionally!

BONUS 2:  Make A Difference Movie (Value $29)

Make A Difference Movie – the Teddy Stallard Story – in High-Def, High-Res Quality for Public (Auditorium) Presentation in flashplayer and in vimeo for your own personal enjoyment. (HPP has exclusive rights to movie.)

This is a movie that must be seen by all.  It’s a story that passes the test of time by Elizabeth Silance Ballard.  This movie received 6 million views worldwide in its first 6 months. Make sure to grab a hanky!

BONUS 2:  Make A Difference Movie (Life Changing)

Make A Difference Movie – the Teddy Stallard Story – in High-Def, High-Res Quality for Public (Auditorium) Presentation in flashplayer and in vimeo for your own personal enjoyment. (HPP has exclusive rights to movie.)

This is a movie that must be seen by all.  It’s a story that passes the test of time by Elizabeth Silance Ballard.  This movie received 6 million views worldwide in its first 6 months. Make sure to grab a hanky!

BONUS 3Get Kids to Do What You Want!  Connecting with Color Personality Styles: Tween ǀ Teen Profile Plus + 1-HR Training ($97)

This Personality Styles holds the secret for TweenǀTeen’s Super Powers and how to use them to effectively. TweenǀTeen’s will learn how to speak so adults will listen by learning how they are neurologically wired to speak, learn, listen and communicate effectively with every style.

BONUS 3: Connecting with Color Styles: TweensǀTeens ($97)

This Personality Styles holds the secret for TweenǀTeen’s Super Powers and how to use them to effectively. TweenǀTeen’s will learn how to speak so adults will listen by learning how they are neurologically wired to speak, learn, listen and communicate effectively with every style.

BONUS 4: How to Listen So Kids Will Talk Connecting with Color Personality Styles: Parent ǀ Teacher Profile Plus + 1-HR Class ($97)

This Personality Styles for ParentsǀTeachers is the shortcut for you to get kids to do what you ask when you ask by learning how they are neurologically wired to speak, learn, listen and communicate.

BONUS 4: Connecting with Color Styles: ParentsǀTeachers ($97)

This Personality Styles for ParentsǀTeachers is the shortcut for you to get kids to do what you ask when you ask by learning how they are neurologically wired to speak, learn, listen and communicate.

BONUS 5: Become a TurnAround Specialist Training ($197 Value)

Mary unifies a very diverse audience of 500 faculty and staff at Portland Community College. This fun yet highly informative 3-hour training makes it easy for you to reignite, renew and re-energize your life with Mary’s ReLabeling™ Technique and the evidence-based science of the Energetics of Behavior. You’ll be able to catapult your confidence, speak truth to power and be taken seriously without backlash.

BONUS 5: Become a TurnAround Specialist Training ($197 Value)

Mary unifies a very diverse audience of 500 faculty and staff at Portland Community College. This fun yet highly informative 3-hour training makes it easy for you to reignite, renew and re-energize your life with Mary’s ReLabeling™ Technique. You’ll be able to catapult your confidence, speak truth to power and be taken seriously.

Total Bonus Value: $517

This was a very motivating and exciting class for me. As a 54-year-old high school counselor ~ I love my job! I do find it very challenging as today’s youth are very complex and they are raised in such different situations with such different amounts of love and support.

This complexity in our youth of today is at an epidemic level. The same type of situation existed years ago, but what has happened is that those kids had kids and the cycle has continued. What we have is a “diluting effect” where more and more students are being raised by parents who are disconnected from the school setting. This negative effect is not good for the school scene.

The information presented in this unique class is really valuable information for those school personnel in the system that are willing and charged with energy to work and take risks in the process of working with At-Risk Youth.

This course should be called “Making Magic.” I really find the information not new, as it really is mostly common-sense stuff. But what is different and new is that instructor/writer Mary Robinson Reynolds has the information organized and presented more effectively.

–Ron Walp

This was a very motivating and exciting class for me. As a 54-year-old high school counselor – I love my job! I do find it very challenging as today’s youth are very complex and they are raised in such different situations with such different amounts of love and support.

This complexity in our youth of today is at an epidemic level. The same type of situation existed years ago, but what has happened is that those kids had kids and the cycle has continued. What we have is a “diluting effect” where more and more students are being raised by parents who are disconnected from the school setting. This negative effect is not good for the school scene.

The information presented in this unique class is really valuable information for those school personnel in the system that are willing and charged with energy to work and take risks in the process of working with At-Risk Youth.

This course should be called “Making Magic.” I really find the information not new, as it really is mostly common-sense stuff. But what is different and new is that instructor/writer Mary Robinson Reynolds has the information organized and presented more effectively.

–Ron Walp

Let’s review:   Here’s everything you will be receiving …

From Mary’s Signature Moves:

Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround

Mary’s “What, If, When” Method

Mary’s Breaking Cycles of Failure

Mary’s Inflammatory Words List

Mary’s 7-Best One Liners

PLUS these FIVE Life Transformative BONUSES:

  9 Weeks to a Make a Difference Year (Best Year Ever!) Curriculum
($97 Value)
  Make A Difference Movie – the Teddy Stallard Story – High Res
(Life Changing)
Get Kids to Do What You Want When You Want: Tween ǀ Teen Profile + 1 hour training
($97 Value)
How To Listen So Kids Will Talk: Parent ǀ Teacher Profile + 1 hour training
($97 Value)
Become a TurnAround Specialist: No Labels No Limits ReLabeling™ 3 hour training
($197 Value)

Let’s review: Here’s everything you will be receiving …

From Mary’s Signature Moves:

Mary’s 30 Second TurnAround

Mary’s “What, If, When” Method

Mary’s Breaking Cycles of Failure

Mary’s Inflammatory Words List

Mary’s 7-Best One Liners

PLUS these FIVE Life Transformative BONUSES:

  9 Weeks to a Make a Difference Year (Best Year Ever!) Curriculum
($97 Value)
  Make A Difference Movie – the Teddy Stallard Story – High Res
(Life Changing)
  Get Kids to Do What You Want When You Want: Tween/Teen Profile + 1 hour training
($97 Value)
How To Listen So Kids Will Talk: Parent | Teacher Profile + 1 hour training
($97 Value)
Become a TurnAround Specialist: No Labels No Limits ReLabeling™ 3 hour training
($197 Value)

Total Bonus Value: $517

Here’s to your success with how to get every student successful!

Mary Reynolds

PS – If you’re fed up with waiting endlessly on decision makers to bring you additional help to no avail and are ready to take matters into your own hands with student you struggle to reach and teach then Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for is the solution you’ve been looking for… let’s get started today!

Read the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) for this Program: Click Here
Behavior Hacks™ Registration #97851894

ReLabeling™ Registration #97852002

Total SAVINGS: $517

Here’s to your success with how to get every student successful!

Mary Reynolds

PS – If you’re fed up with waiting endlessly on decision makers to bring you additional help to no avail and are ready to take matters into your own hands with student you struggle to reach and teach then Academic Success 101: How to BE the teacher that every student will show up and work for is the solution you’ve been looking for… let’s get started today!

Today’s Webinar Price:

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Today’s Webinar Price:

Save 50%

Read the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) for this Program: Click Here
Behavior Hacks™ Registration #97851894

ReLabeling™ Registration #97852002