Next Level Learning and Immediately Applicable Resources for Purpose-Driven
Educational Leaders, Parents, & Business Professionals
Do you have intense situations in your life that are de-energizing but lack the know-how, time and oomph to get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want from the people you live, work and play with? Well, Mary’s self-paced online programs are designed just for you.
In these self-study programs, filled with energy engaging audio and video, Mary teaches you step-by-step how to: clarify your intentions; articulate your concerns, insights and observations without back-lash; deliver information and directives that generate vibes of peaceful engagement; and graduate from chasing after people to do their part to people showing up to work along side you and everyone else synergistically.
Through these time-tested programs, you’ll gain 24-hour access to our training modules, worksheets, transcripts, downloadable books, and more. Whether you’re just getting started or ready to grow, Mary has a program that’s right for you.
But that’s not all!
You can also take these Online Programs to your colleagues as a UTrain ON-DEMAND Professional Development Workshops with a mix of instruction, and activities along with short bursts of LIVELY group discussion questions about what you are exploring in each Module! Each program is ready for you to simply Press Play, then allow time to ask questions provided, discuss and reflect in groups.
Just check out our offerings below or feel free to reach out to us here.

Confidently Defuse Explosive Student Situations with this Dynamic TurnAround System!
Attn: Educators, Administrators, Parents and Professionals

Make A Difference with the Power of Connection
How to TurnAround Behaviors in 30 Seconds or Less!

9 Weeks to a Make A Difference Year Playbook
Building a Safe, Inclusive Classroom Community
Every part of this curriculum has been “field-tested.” Experiencing the “done for you” exercises, activities and thought-provoking discussions together as a group, builds a safe community consciousness, which, after all, is the foundation of inclusion. If you are a Lead Teacher, Director or Administrator, to create school-wide involvement, your role will be to take your faculty through this weekly process just before the teachers begin the weekly activities in their classrooms. In this way, they can experience the exercises, activities and discussion possibilities for themselves, right before they do them with the students. This helps each person to understand—through experiencing these processes—how the activities will grow a community/team consciousness. This 9-Week Curriculum contains the activities I used as a teacher and school counselor. When you come to know each other through these gentle, fun, yet highly heart opening activities, a compassionate community unfolds, and synergism is in the air! Watch Free Lost Cause Kid Movie

Academic Success 101:
Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student.
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows. Not the flower.” -Alexander Den Heijer

Change Your Vibe, See Students Thrive
You can’t have an attitude and keep it a secret! Any student you do not like, will feel it no matter how positive and encouraging you think you are being. All of the best tools in the world will not be consistently effective long-term without the adults in charge understanding the quantum science, neurology and biology of interconnection. It’s real, it’s felt, it’s measurable and it’s happening whether you mean for it to be or not. Kids are constantly picking up what you’re putting down whether it appears they are listening or not. The kids you are not getting through to feel your opinions, biases and judgments of them and they will have zero regard for you. TE’s 5- Step System illustrates quantum entanglement, i.e., co-mingling and just how powerful and influential you really can be without nagging, yelling, constant ultimatums, punitive time-outs, spanking, detentions and suspensions ever again.

Team Synergy 101: Getting IT Done
Getting Along All Day Every Day!

Victim No More: Diffusing Bully Behavior
‘160,000 Kids Stay Home From School Each Day
to Avoid Being Bullied’ The Atlantic 2013
Do you struggle with how to deal effectively with those that bully? Are you the victim of bully behavior, feeling hopeless and helpless? Or are you the administrator, manager, parent or partner dealing with co-workers, youth and family members who use hurtful tactics to control and keep the world at bay? It’s time to resolve, dissolve and heal the fundamental issues underlying bully behaviors and victim mentality without using “teach them a lesson” abusive, attack back techniques. VNM includes Mary’s “What If When” System for both the bully and those on the receiving end of being bullied. It is a judgment-free system to investigate that transforms behavior and constructively empowers everyone involved. VNM’s will help 1) the person who is hurtful in their behavior, 2) the person on the receiving end of hurtful behavior, and 3) the person with the power to intervene, reach, teach and transform those involved.

Make A Difference with the Power of Acknowledgement
Depression and Suicide Rates Are Rising Sharply in Young Americans

Connecting with Colors®: SYNERGIZE Your Life
Connection Turns ME into WE = Synergy
Imagine … BEing emPowering and emPowered, TRUSTing Your Instincts, Your Inner Feminine/Masculine Wisdom, Own Your Space and not be labeled a Jerk, a F@%# Up, a Barracuda, a Nag, a Control Freak, a Pleaser, Undependable or feeling Compulsive, Fearful, Needy Ever Again, by simply learning to instantly DIAL-IN the 4 Color Styles with every Person in every Area of Your Life! Color’s Language of Synergy will become a “go to” point of intervention, defusing emotional intensity, build up and melt downs quickly by bridging understanding throughout all of your day-to-day interactions. With Connecting with Colors System to decode how we connect via our neurological wiring, 20,000+ people across the United States have been empowered by their Color Style Strengths. Even more exciting is participants report being able to use the quick and easy techniques to improve any intense situation … and in most cases in 30 seconds or less!

Create Winning TEAM Synergy
Inte Great 4 personality styles working together to WIN!


MasterMinding 101: 12 ESSENTIALS for a Rich Life
“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force,
which may be likened to a third mind.“
– Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

Stay Married: Make More Love & Less Conflict
Do you believe it will take a miracle to save your marriage?


Make A Difference with the Power of Acknowledgement
Depression and Suicide Rates Are Rising Sharply in Young Americans
In 2006, Mary collaborated with Helice “Sparky” Bridges on making an online movie depicting a “thank you” story she’d received from a mother whose son did not commit suicide because of her Who I Am Makes A Difference blue ribbon ceremony, which she created in 1979 to eradicate bullying, end conflict, stop crime and violence, avert suicide, enhance self-worth. The original version of our movie was viewed over 3 million times on social media in its first 3 months. By making acknowledgement your daily practice coupled with giving each person 3-4 “I Make a Difference” Wristbands to “pay-it-forward” you too can make an exponential difference in the lives of all those who you have the opportunity to touch.