Readers who are tired of long-winded treatises on self-help will find that its simplicity stimulates them to think and encourages them to feel what may have been locked away for too long.
-Elliot Weiner, President
Oregon Psychological Association

This is the kind of book you can keep around forever and ever and ever, like Norman Vincent Peale’s Positive Thinking.  It gives that kind of security.
-Rebecca Randall, TV Anchor
WOLF, Orlando, Florida

Mary puts words into sentences and paragraphs in such a way that makes her writing irresistible!
– Fran Sloan
Author and Calligrapher

She talks straight and with authority.  Never before has such powerful information been delivered in such a simple and loving way.
– Eldeen Watson
Director of Nursing



Other Books by Mary

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Compassionate connection goes a long way toward dissolving barriers built up by unconscious bias energetically coming through to others as attitudes, vibes and tones in every conceivable situation.




If you find that you are trying to get other people to support something that you’ve done or to support you because of something that you feel has happened to you, observe yourself.

Are you feeling guilty in some way? Are you feeling hurt?

Up to this point, your perspective is coming from a place inside you where there could be a past hurt. Look for it.

IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT WE ARE products of our pasts. And while this is true, we often let our focus take root in the negative aspects of someone’s nature without even giving them a chance to get up to bat.

How many times have we refused to give someone a chance because we’ve heard about their past before we have even met them? Sometimes we meet them, like them and then find out about their past. If their past was negative in some way, we may abandon any form of a relationships without taking any more time to know them.

OFTEN, WE TRY to carry someone else’s pain.

Why? Because we genuinely care. It is rough to see someone you care for going through a difficult time. Yet you can be supportive, loving, and nurturing and still allow people to do what they need to do. (Sometimes, their experience is a lesson for us as well.)

We may have to go so far as to intervene to save someone’s life. But beyond getting a person to safety, we must allow each person to do his own healing.

BEHAVIOR IS AN ILLUSION. Behavior is a picture a person paints of what it is he believes to be the truth about himself. Every one of us has within us the potential to be, do and have what our hearts desire. We must be willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen. We must see ourselves in a different way and affirm what we want this to look like.

Reverse the negative aspects of yourself in the picture you want to create. Affirm the reverse of what appears to be the truth about yourself right now. If your original picture portrayed you as rebellious, lazy and good-for-nothing, the reverse would be agreeable, active and worthwhile.

Feeling stuck?

Feeling stuck?


Want to make a real difference?
Take on this 30-day challenge and watch your influence grow.


There are about 30 days left in this school year! Are you ready to make a lasting difference in the world but not sure where to start?

Well, I’ve got a Thursday TurnAround assignment that will ignite a spark within you and help you become the difference maker you were meant to be.

We all know that it takes thirty days to develop a new habit, so why not start with something simple?

How about acknowledging three people a day for the next thirty days? It may sound easy, but trust me, it can be a game-changer.

I know, I know, you may be thinking, “But Mary, why should I do this?”

Well, let me tell you a little story. I once had a counselor who challenged me to touch three people a day for thirty days. It was tough at first, but it completely transformed my life. Whether it was a tap on the back or a touch on the arm, the simple act of physical connection made a world of difference.

But hey, if you’re not comfortable with physical touch, that’s okay too. You can acknowledge people in other ways. A simple smile, a kind word, or an energetic acknowledgment can also have a powerful impact.

Here’s what happened to me when I was given an assignment by my therapist to reach out and touch – acknowledge – 3 people a day.




You never know whose life you may be saving or making a difference in. It could be someone close to you, a stranger, or even yourself.

We’re entering the Season of Celebrations, so let’s celebrate each other’s accomplishments, goals, and dreams. It’s about creating a community where it’s safe for all of us to live, produce, grow, and celebrate.

So, for this week’s TurnAround assignment, I challenge you to reach out and verbally – and energetically – acknowledge three people a day.  Remember always to ask first before coming in with a hug.  I truly believe you’ll start to see a transformation take place in your life and in your circle of influence.

Step 1- Before beginning Rate Your Energy: On a scale of one-to-ten, what’s your energy right now?

Step 2 – Rate Your Energy after each reach out.

Trust me when I say it’s life changing!

Reaching out …

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PS … SOMETHING NEW IS COMING!  Make sure to watch out for my announcement COMING SOON.  I am so excited about what I’ve been working on to help us all be able to turn explosive situations into healing moments.

PPS … Feeling inspired to make a difference in someone’s life? Learn more about the End of School Year: Make A Difference Acknowledgment Ceremony and how you can be a part of it with your “I Make A Difference” wristbands. Let’s come together and start acknowledging the amazing people in our lives! You won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to spread kindness and appreciation.




What You Can Do Next:

1. Subscribe to my Newsletter:

Sign up for my newsletter for to win back time and have a life! Plus, when you subscribe, you’ll also receive a free copy of my You Are A Success! eBook

2. Register for my FREE 60-Minute Class:

Register for my free binge-worthy class 3 Energy Hacks that TurnAround Big Behaviors in 30 Seconds …or Less! Classes run several times per week to accommodate your busy schedule.

3. Enroll in my Academic Success: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student® Course

Enroll now in my proven Step-by-Step System for busy educators parents ready for change. Plus, for a limited time, save 50% —completely risk-free and with lifetime access.


The Surprising Impact on Your Own Success

The Surprising Impact on Your Own Success


Why Acknowledging Others Is The Key to Embracing Opportunities


It’s that time of year when things start to get a little hectic. We’re all juggling a million different things, trying to keep up with everything on our to-do lists, and sometimes the last thing on our minds is taking the time to acknowledge one another.

But what if I told you that making acknowledging one another a priority could actually be the key to igniting a spark within yourself to become the difference maker you were meant to be, without fear of rejection or having to spend a lot of time you don’t have?

Sounds pretty good, right?

Well, here are the top 7 reasons why we MUST make acknowledging one another a priority and daily practice:



Let’s break it down:

1. To Celebrate connection, successes, authentically:
When we take the time to acknowledge one another, we not only strengthen our connections with those around us, but we also celebrate their successes in a genuine and meaningful way.

2. To learn how to “find the words to express acknowledgment” is a success:
Acknowledging others is a success in itself. It means that you are able to see something great in someone else because that greatness exists within you too. So, in a way, when you acknowledge someone, you’re also acknowledging yourself.

3. To practice “doing what’s in front of us to do.” Embracing opportunities:
Taking the time to acknowledge someone is often a simple task that is right in front of us. By embracing these opportunities, we can make a meaningful impact on the people around us.

4. You cannot ever know just how much that person may in fact need your acknowledgment:
Sometimes, a small acknowledgment can mean the world to someone. You never know how much of an impact your kind words can have on someone else.  It’s all about the Power of One!

5. “It will lose its importance or impact” is like saying Chocolate is never enjoyed if eaten daily:
Acknowledging others on a regular basis doesn’t diminish its importance. In fact, it can have an even greater impact over time as it becomes a consistent part of your interactions with others.

6. Learn to face our fears; no ONE can reject or abandon you except for yourself:
The fear of rejection can hold us back from acknowledging others, but we need to remember that rejection is a reflection of the other person, not of ourselves. So, don’t let the fear of rejection stop you from making a difference.

7. You don’t have to “belong” to their clique to make a difference:
Acknowledging others doesn’t require you to be a part of their inner circle. All it takes is a genuine desire to make a difference, one acknowledgment at a time.


So, there you have it!

Let’s make a commitment to acknowledging one another and igniting that spark within ourselves to become the difference makers we were meant to be.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort, but the impact it can have is immeasurable.

Today’s 30 Second TurnAround is this:  Get out there! 

Celebrate connection, successes, and authenticity,
one acknowledgment at a time. 

Cheers to making a difference!

Reaching out …

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PS … Ready to get out there and celebrate successes and make a difference? Get your “I Make A Difference” wristbands and join us in acknowledging the impact we have on the world!


What You Can Do Next:

1. Subscribe to my Newsletter:

Sign up for my newsletter for to win back time and have a life! Plus, when you subscribe, you’ll also receive a free copy of my You Are A Success! eBook

2. Register for my FREE 60-Minute Class:

Register for my free binge-worthy class 3 Energy Hacks that TurnAround Big Behaviors in 30 Seconds …or Less! Classes run several times per week to accommodate your busy schedule.

3. Enroll in my Academic Success: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student® Course

Enroll now in my proven 3 Energy Hacks System for busy educators parents ready for change. Plus, for a limited time, save 50% —completely risk-free and with lifetime access.


Make a Difference without Fear!

Make a Difference without Fear!


Worried About Inflating Someone’s Ego?
Here’s Why a Little Acknowledgment Goes a Long Way


Are you ready to ignite a spark within yourself and become the difference maker you were meant to be? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help you acknowledge others and make a positive impact, without the fear of rejection or having to spend a lot of time you don’t have at this time of year.

Let’s face it, we all have those moments where we encounter someone who deserves a little recognition or acknowledgment, but for some reason, we just don’t follow through.

Maybe it’s because of jealousy or envy, fearing that we’ll come off as insincere or fake. Or maybe we’re just speechless and can’t find the right words to express our appreciation. Trust me, I’ve been there.

But here’s the thing – those thoughts and fears are just holding us back from making a difference in someone’s life. We need to ditch the scarcity mentality and realize that acknowledging others doesn’t take anything away from us. In fact, it adds value to our own lives and the lives of those around us.   So, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.



Let’s break it down. 

Reasons or Results!

1. Jealousy and envy – Instead of feeling threatened by someone else’s greatness, let’s celebrate it and spread positivity.

2. Speechless – It’s okay to not have the perfect words. A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate you” goes a long way.

3. Procrastination – Don’t put off acknowledging someone until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.

4. Worried about inflating someone’s ego – Trust me, a little acknowledgment won’t give someone a big head. It will make them feel valued and appreciated.

5. Fear of overdoing it – There’s no such thing as too much acknowledgment. Keep spreading that love and positivity.

6. Fear of rejection – It’s okay if someone doesn’t reciprocate. What matters is that you made the effort to acknowledge them.

7. Feeling like you don’t belong – Everyone deserves to be acknowledged, no matter who they are.


This week’s TurnAround is this:  let’s challenge ourselves to reach out and acknowledge 3 people daily.  Trust me when I say it’s life changing!

Here’s what happened to me when I was given an assignment by my therapist to reach out and touch – acknowledge – 3 people a day.

You never know whose life you may be saving or making a difference in. It could be someone close to you, a stranger, or even yourself. So, let’s spread some love and make a positive impact.

You’ve got this, difference maker!

Reaching out …

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PS … Feeling inspired to make a difference in someone’s life? Learn more about the End of School Year: Make A Difference Acknowledgment Ceremony and how you can be a part of it with your “I Make A Difference” wristbands. Let’s come together and start acknowledging the amazing people in our lives! You won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to spread kindness and appreciation.




What You Can Do Next:

1. Subscribe to my Newsletter:

Sign up for my newsletter for to win back time and have a life! Plus, when you subscribe, you’ll also receive a free copy of my You Are A Success! eBook

2. Register for my FREE 60-Minute Class:

Register for my free binge-worthy class 3 Energy Hacks that TurnAround Big Behaviors in 30 Seconds …or Less! Classes run several times per week to accommodate your busy schedule.

3. Enroll in my Academic Success: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student® Course

Enroll now in my proven 3 Energy Hacks System for busy educators parents ready for change. Plus, for a limited time, save 50% —completely risk-free and with lifetime access.


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