Look Deeper Beyond Labels


Are you labeling your kids without even realizing it?
Let’s dive deep and discover why that “problem child”
may just be a misunderstood genius!


Let’s start with a little energy exercise.  Think of the child (or adult, i.e., little kid in a big body) in your life, that you struggle with the most. 

Now, take a moment right now and rate your energy on a scale of one to ten. Now, think about those labels we sometimes slap on our precious little ones.

You know the ones—the “problem child,” the “brat,” or heaven forbid, the “pain in the butt!”

Sound familiar?

I’ve been there!

As a kid, I found myself labeled as the family’s “problem,” and boy, did that shape my reality.

It’s no surprise that these labels can have a seismic impact on a child’s self-esteem and behavior.

Think about it: whatever you focus on expands, and when we give a label negative power, we’re essentially handing over the keys to our child’s energetic vibe.

But hold on—what if we dared to shift our perspective?

In this video, we’re unpacking the idea that behind every “label” lies a unique little person, just waiting for a chance to shine.

So, let’s dig deeper, ditch the labels, and uncover the true potential that exists within each child.

Trust me; you’ll want to stick around for this!


Want more?
Then grab a ‘Cup of Jo’ and make today your best day EVER!

This Week’s TurnAround is: Ditch the Labels!

Alright, folks, here’s your exciting 30-second mission!

Grab a sticky note or your favorite note-taking app—whatever gets your creative juices flowing—and get ready to transform the way you see your kiddos.

1. Identify a Label: Think of one label you or someone else has used for your kid. Yup, “drama queen” or “little troublemaker”—you know what I mean!

2. Rewrite the Script: Now, flip that label on its head!  Instead of “problem child,” try “future innovator” or “creative genius in the making.” Get silly if you want—how about “Superhero in Training”?

3. Reflect and Share: Spend a quick minute imagining what this new label could unlock for your child. How might it change your interactions?  Feeling inspired? Share your new label in the comments or with a friend—let’s start a movement!


How’s your energy now?



Remember, a label is just a sticker—flimsy and often misapplied! So, peel off those negative tags, and let your kids surprise you with their true brilliance. After all, it’s the kids who don’t fit the mold that often end up creating the next big thing!

And above all else, have some FUN with this!

Reaching out …

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PS …  As we wrap up today’s TurnAround Thursday, think about how much smoother your interactions could be if you had a proven system to help you navigate those tricky moments with today’s youth.

Imagine transforming those chaotic situations into opportunities for connection and growth. If you’re ready to take your skills to the next level and confidently defuse explosive moments, don’t wait—visit MaryReynolds.com/MAPit to learn more about my MAPit Micro System.

This engaging online mini-course is designed just for you, packed with invaluable insights that will help you reclaim your time and energy.

PPS …  Make it your business to “be in the know!” Click here to read:  Psychiatric Diagnoses Are Scientifically Meaningless


What You Can Do Next:

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3. Enroll in my Academic Success: Accelerate Learning in Every. Single. Student® Course

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