Why Blowing Past Your Gut Instincts Could Be Your Biggest Mistake:
You Already ‘Know’ the Right Move!
Are you stuck in a cycle of constant vigilance, bracing yourself for the next big upset with today’s youth?
You know, that feeling that today could either be a breakthrough or a breakdown?
Well, put down the coffee because it’s time to harvest the wisdom of my MAPit System and TurnAround your approach from reactive to proactive.
Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room:
The idea of “collaborating” with kids who seem to be behaving badly
feels like you’re just “giving in,” right?
Here’s the kicker—what feels counterintuitive is often the most intuitive choice of all.
We’ve been conditioned to think that discipline means consequences, punishment, and creating sizable discomfort.
But let’s just pause and take a deep breath—counterintuitive intuition is indeed your secret weapon.
Want more?
Then grab a ‘Cup of Jo’ and make today your best day EVER!
Here’s a fun little neuroscience lesson to perk up your brain cells:
When you react with a punishment mindset, your brain is essentially firing up its fight-flight-freeze-fib-or-fold system.
This makes it instinctively feel like you’re doing the right thing only because it’s probably been your go-to “default adult” reaction.
But that gut feeling—the one telling you to take a different approach—often gets drowned out in the chaos.
When you instead choose collaborative problem-solving, you’re tapping into a more empathetic and powerful part of your brain, creating a win-win scenario.
So, how do you trust that “intuitive” nudge?
Start with my MAPit Micro System.
So, let’s break this down with the MAPit System—a nifty little framework for turning “Oh no, not again!” into “Well, would you look at that!”
First up is Meaning. When kids act out (or when they “redecorate” with permanent markers), it’s easy to see the behavior as a big, flashing “FAIL” sign. But what if we pause and ask: what’s the deeper meaning behind their actions? This is where your intuition should start kicking in. Teaching kids the “what” behind their behavior can foster understanding—and save you a few gray hairs.
Next is Alignment. This isn’t just for yoga classes! Align your values and the lessons you want to impart with their interests. Think strategically—put yourself in their shoes for just 30 seconds—after all, no one’s ever learned how to bake from someone who flung a pie across the room out of frustration.
Now, let’s talk about Preference. Kids are not robots programmed to obey. They have preferences, desires, and, yes, even dreams about a world where chores don’t exist. By respecting their preferences, you’re opening up a two-way street where cooperation and collaboration flourishes.
Onward to Implement. Take that newfound Meaning, Alignment, and Preference, then create an action plan together. Whether it’s a checklist chart with stickers or role-play to teach much needed social, emotional, empowering skills. Get their buy-in. You’ll be surprised at how quickly they’ll wave goodbye to the funky, resistive, push back behavior when they feel involved.
Lastly, it’s all about Together. This step emphasizes that you’re not going through this alone. Collaborate with your youth to create solutions—not because you’re giving in, but because you believe in something greater. Think of it as your own version of a superhero team-up, minus the spandex costumes (unless that’s your thing).
So, the next time you’re faced with a “wait, what?” moment that feels utterly counterintuitive, take a breath, consult the MAPit System, and go with your gut.
Remember, the key to confronting non-confrontationally is trusting yourself and the young people in your life.
After all, they might be the ones teaching you the real lessons—if you dare to listen.
Now, the magic happens.
When you embrace this MAPit mentality, you’ll notice a shift.
Instead of feeling like you’re managing a tornado, you’ll be dancing with the winds of change.
You’ll be steering young minds toward healthier, happier decision-making without living on the edge.
It’s about time—this may feel uncomfortable and take longer initially, but the long-term benefits are worth it.
This week’s TurnAround is: Trust Yourself!
Throw caution to the wind and trust that counterintuitive feeling.
Dive headfirst into collaboration and watch your discomfort transform into a sustainable solution.
You’ve got this!
Transform your approach starting NOW and see how things can go differently, humorously navigating the chaos without a major implosion or explosion.
Oh! And have some FUN with this!
Reaching out …
PS … Ready to take charge of your interactions with today’s youth? My highly effective and easy to do system is your golden ticket to transform implosive and explosive situations into opportunities for growth and connection.
Don’t leave your success to chance; head over to MaryReynolds.com/MAPit to learn more about the MAPit Micro System to learn more about this dynamic mini-course designed just for you.
Embrace the shift from reactive responses to empowering collaboration. It’s time to turn your instincts into impactful actions!
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