How to Use Acknowledgement
to Reach Out, Connect Energetically and Save Lives …

Heartfelt Acknowledgement Helps Everyone Feel Welcome, Wanted and Knowing That They Matter
Building Up Schools and Communities to be Socially Safe, Inclusive and Synergistic

"I Make A Difference" Acknowledgement Movie

A true story… In 1988, a teacher in New York acknowledged and honored every one of her high school students. Then she invited her students to honor people throughout their community.

One of these acknowledgements dramatically altered the life of a businessman and his 14-year-old son …

How to Use Acknowledgement
to Reach Out, Connect Energetically and Save Lives …

Heartfelt Acknowledgement Helps Everyone Feel Welcome, Wanted and Knowing That They Matter
Keeping Schools And Communities Safe, Unified And Resilient

"I Make A Difference" Acknowledgement Movie

A true story… In 1988, a teacher in New York acknowledged and honored every one of her high school students. Then she invited her students to honor people throughout their community.

One of these acknowledgements dramatically altered the life of a businessman and his 14-year-old boy …

How to Use Acknowledgement
to Reach Out, Connect Energetically and Save Lives …

Heartfelt Acknowledgement Helps Everyone Feel Welcome, Wanted and Knowing That They Matter
Keeping Schools And Communities Safe, Unified And Resilient

"I Make A Difference" Acknowledgement Movie

A true story… In 1988, a teacher in New York acknowledged and honored every one of her high school students. Then she invited her students to honor people throughout their community.

One of these acknowledgements dramatically altered the life of a businessman and his 14-year-old boy …

Acknowledgement says …

According to Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, the newest scientific research in the field of “Intention” observed that the person receiving positive intentions get unbelievable changes and immediate improvements: i.e. one person with daily headaches suddenly woke up the next day without one while another person with an eye problem reported being healed with 80% of her sight returned.

HOWEVER, the most interesting finding of this research is that the persons sending the intentions (acknowledgement, appreciation, kind attention, gratitude) have reported receiving permanent improvements and positive changes in their own lives.

Therefore, it stands to reason that Acknowledging Others Not Only Improves the Recipient’s Life, It Improves Your Life too!

Lift up your own spirit with these 3 Simple Steps to Acknowledging people you know or meet on the pathway of your life.  Make it a daily practice to acknowledge others as a way to keep shining your light.

Research has been able to measure a direct correlation between morale and the bottom line. Real leadership begins on the inside with your own commitment to inspire the best in others and be the difference you want to make in your lifetime. (Emerson said it best: “It’s one of the most beautiful compensations in life that no person can help another without helping themselves.“)

Speaking forth acknowledgement when you are thinking good thoughts about others is exactly what creates an inclusive home, school and workplace where people with differences and disabilities feel welcome and valued for their contributions. When people feel heard, seen and valued, they show up wanting to do the same for others.

It takes less than 30 seconds to take your “I Make A Difference” wristband off your wrist (out of your pocket or purse) to acknowledge the greatness you see in someone. By simply making the time to let someone know how much they matter and what a difference they just made in your life, it catapults you to your own natural high.

Acknowledgement causes us to make the 12-inch journey from the heads to our hearts, which enables us to better understand the impact acknowledgement makes on others.  When people feel like they DO Matter, they DO Make A Positive Difference.

Acknowledging others increases an inner sense of one’s life purpose, one’s connection with others and one’s sense of purpose in the world. This all helps us experience the energetics of reaching out to make a difference each and every day.

An Introvert?  Feel unseen?  Struggle with being heard?  Feeling blue?  Tired of being alone and lonely? Wishing to be understood?

You Give, You Get

Give a very simple, yet profoundly transformative, acknowledgement to another person and you get a feeling of gladness.  Feeling better helps you do better.

Giving “I Make A Difference” wristbands to people of all colors, religions, disabilities, abilities and cultures gives us all a warm experience of caring kindness, inclusion, encouragement and empowerment.

Giving words of acknowledgement is a beautiful, heartfelt way to help every person to feel seen, heard, felt and acknowledged for who they are and the difference they make.

Be a positive contribution to your community, country, and world!

You can already see just how easy it can be to reach out to people you don’t even know and acknowledge something great you see in them, on the spot!

The New Way To Acknowledge, Connect And Lift Up Students, Parents, Peers & Community

Making a Difference One Person At A Time

It was pure serendipity when Mary Robinson Reynolds, author, speaker and movie producer (Make A Difference Movies –Teddy Stallard Story, Simple Gestures Story, Lost Cause Kid Story, Connection Movie), was introduced to Helice “Sparky” Bridges, author and speaker, by one of their mutual followers.

When the two women connected, they discovered they were on the same path to be influential Difference Makers: to save lives, diffuse bully behavior, ignite confidence, align and advance relationships to heal the generational legacy of pain in our world, one acknowledged person at a time.

They collaborated to form an exclusive contractual agreement for Mary’s company, Heart Productions & Publishing LLC, to produce the online movie version of Who I Am Makes A Difference story showcasing Helice’s Blue Ribbon Acknowledgement Ceremony, and thus joined their intentions to make the world a better place.

The Acknowledgement Movie hit 3 million views on YouTube within the first several months, and neither of these women has stopped in their quest to Make A Life Affirming Difference!

Heartfelt Acknowledgement is the best way ever to build your own confidence by seeing something great in others and then telling them!

Speak the great things you're already thinking about them out loud.

Want more than 25? You will have the opportunity to purchase additional quantities in check-out.

Like I mentioned before, my gift of 25 – I “Make A Difference” Wristbands is FREE. Plus: 2 High Res Movie Downloads: the Teddy Stallard Story and the Who You Are Makes A Difference Acknowledgement Movies …

All I ask is that you use these wristbands for something beyond a 1 & Done – be on your way – event.

Don’t settle for surviving when you could be thriving!
-Mary Robinson Reynolds

What I want you to do with your team is to extend their reach and duration of the miraculous impact that they can have on reigniting your team or group of students. You can do this with my “done for you” Team Synergy Program in as little as 9 – 30 minute field-tested UNIFYING Conversation Starter Movies and Activities

But there ARE a few reasons why I’m doing this:

It’s my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated Difference Maker. The education, organizational and business worlds have given me a platform to be of service, and this is kind of a cool way to give back in my own meaningful way.

Because honestly, I want you to experience what it feels like to give your heartfelt acknowledgement to those you know who you think good things about every day.

I want you to know what it feels like:

  • to change a life quite possibly forever;
  • to acknowledge someone you don’t know just because out-of-the-blue they just made your life easier – they made a difference in your life;
  • to see their absolute disbelief that you would see them for who they simply are;
  • for people to have tears running down their faces because you took 30 seconds to reach out to acknowledge them;
  • to help people to remember who they are and that they matter;
  • to give a wristband to someone who tells you that no one has ever acknowledged them before… ever;

I want your soul to weep over that, as I do every time it happens;

I want you to be blown away, as I am so often, by people who can’t even look at you in the eyes as you let them know what a difference they just made in your life.

I want you to feel better because of the exponential reach of this, every day.

I want you to take this to your team to create a safe, synergistic and productive workplace.

Here’s why… 
If this page is still here, then the offer is live for the time being…  

This Is Truly A Limited Offer,

So, get immediate access to my Team Synergy Building Program and claim your 25 “I Make A Difference” Wristbands, before we run out
are no longer running this special offer!


Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

PS … In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m mailing you 25 – “I Make A Difference” Wristbands (that retail at $20) for FREE. Yes, these wristbands are free, and the shipping is free (U.S.), too!

There’s no catch… no gimmicks… You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don’t love these wristbands – I’ll even refund your costs (and you don’t have to ship the wristbands back).

So, Click the button to get your 25 FREE “I Make A Difference” wristbands now. You won’t regret i

Want more than 25? You will have the opportunity to purchase additional quantities in check-out.

“We were experiencing a very challenging time within the organization, and it was important for us to recognize those people who have truly helped us make a difference in what we do and how we do it.
Mary Robinson Reynolds’ ‘I Make A Difference’ Wristbands were a very powerful and meaningful way for us to express our gratitude for their contributions. The process had amazing results in people’s attitudes.”

– Dr. Ivan Misner is the Founder & Chairman of BNI, Business Networking International, as well as a New York Times best-selling author.

“The Acknowledgement Movie with the wristband ceremony was a HUGE hit today! Yeah! Thanks.”

– Suzanne Steele, Balanced Wellness, LLC

“I learned something the other day: the word ‘listen’ when you change the letters spells ‘silent’. Acknowledging someone is truly about listening to your heart first, then speaking out the appreciative things you are thinking second. Thank you.”

– Terri Stanganelli

“Thank you for doing what you are doing. You do make a difference. A box of Kleenex isn’t enough. Your Make A Difference movies are so moving, they touched my heart and opened my eyes.

In a world of ‘what more can I get’ I see the greater value in ‘what can I give’ . I have two young girls who will each receive a letter of acknowledgement and appreciation when they get home from school today. Thank you for inspiring me to inspire them.”

– Barbara-Jean Moxsom
Author, Cartoonist, Producer, Director, Playwright

“Thank you for this encouragement. Yesterday was a very hard day filled with hopelessness. I am holding on and have to have internal fight to get through all of what I am facing. Your Acknowledgement movie gave me hope, something to hang onto. I will be watching this through the day when the hopelessness returns. Thank you, Mary, you made a difference today in my life.”

– Catherine Renee
Owner, Custom Hair By Catherine

Hello, fellow PTA Members, School Faculty and Staff,

As the former PTA President of Ford Middle School in Allen, Texas and the initiator of the “Make A Difference Week” concept two years ago, I can tell you the activities during this week altered the energy in the school, as random acts of kindness filled the halls and expressions of appreciation and acknowledgement were the priority.

The inspirational videos (one of which was Mary’s Acknowledgement Movie ) that the students silently watched with emotion, made a huge impact, and the stories related directly to the activities that were asked of the students throughout the week. 

Angel Carlton 
PTA President, Ford M.S., Allen, TX

I have observed troubled students transformed from the power of “Make A Difference Week” as they came to life by the simplest acknowledgement of their good nature from their teachers.

The purpose of this week is to demonstrate to the students new ways of making a difference in our world. These next generations are our future leaders, and the world is greatly depending on them to create a more peaceful coexistence for humanity. It’s crucial for kids to understand the important role they play in the world, and it’s up to us to remind them. “Make A Difference Week” is a fun-filled week that encourages students to be the “highest vision they have of themselves,” to bring out the good in others, and to practice the power of acknowledgement, appreciation and kindness. 

One week can truly make the difference in our world by impacting the lives of our children, as we empower them to be the positive role models and community heroes for the generations that follow. 

Now this amazing, nationally-recognized educator – Mary Robinson Reynolds – has taken “Make A Difference Week” to the next level.

I highly recommend her Make A Difference with the Power of Acknowledgement Week Program for the upcoming year as a way to create a tradition in building a caring and compassionate community of young adults in your school.

Please pass this email along to your Programs chairpersons.

Angel Carlton 
PTA President, Ford M.S., Allen, TX

As the students in each class returned the second day, there was an excited buzz in the classroom, the atmosphere was changed.

The response was hands waving in the air and saying “Yes, we can.”

That day as they returned to school having experienced giving their I Make A Difference wristband with affirmative words to someone, you could sense that they indeed did believe they could, and were going to, make a difference.

-Jeanie Hershey, LMFT, LCPC

I have started the program with my peer mentoring kids and its going phenomenal. The more I teach the material, the more  I love it! 

Vikki Johnston
Peer Mentor Program (PMP) Coordinator
Omega Community Services
Wyoming Public Schools, MICHIGAN

I’m excited to inform you of our awesome Make a Difference Kickoff which was held on Friday, September 13. We rolled it out with Kinder-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th and 6th, 7th and 8th assemblies. The students and staff loved the messages! It is so amazing to see their I Make A Difference blue wristbands throughout the building! Sincerest thanks to you and your program!”
Nadine Garcia’ Montoya
Pueblo City School Dist

make a difference

Make a Difference Wristbands are for the person who can no longer stand back and wait for someone else to lead the charge with hard-to-reach children and adults in the highest category of social-emotional need.

 For a Planned Event I Make A Difference® 3-Step Acknowledgement

Step 1: Each person receives one ‘I Make A Difference’ wristband to give to the person sitting behind him or her, and so on around the room, saying out loud and with eye contact if you can: “I want you to know that you Make A Difference by the way you______.”

Step 2: Tell them that they can wear it every day, and when they are having a tough day, to simply rub their finger over the words on the wristband to remind them that they do make a difference because someone told them so.

Step 3: In the spirit of the NY Teacher’s Pay It Forward acknowledgement story, give each person 3-4 more wristbands to put on their wrist (or to keep in their pocket, purse or briefcase) to wear until they find people who have made a difference in their lives that they can pass the wristband on to saying why and how those people have made a difference in their lives, going through steps 1 & 2.

For Random Acts of Acknowledgement
I Make A Difference® 3-Step Acknowledgement

Step 1: Notice when someone has just provided you with great service or random kindness: Ask them for a moment of their time to acknowledge them.

Step 2: Tell them how much you appreciate their kindness, help and/or service: Take out a wristband /sticker and say: This is a Wristband/Sticker that says I Make A Difference® and I want to give it to you today because you really have made a difference to me in the last few minutes and here’s why_________.

Step 3: Respect their choice to receive your gift: Ask if they will accept your gift…when they say YES, then give them the wristband/sticker. Then give them 3 more wristbands to Pay It Forward to others.

Also ask for permission to give them a hug. If you can see they are not instantly open to this – or comfortable with this – simply smile and tell them that you hope they have a great rest of the day because they’ve really made your day.

Always acknowledge the best in others and yourself, and the world will always change for the better before your very eyes.
– Mary Robinson Reynolds

Who You Are Does Make A Difference!

“I am only one, but still, I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still, I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
― Helen Keller

Want more than 5? You will have the opportunity to purchase additional quantities in check-out.

NOTE:  We no longer stock the blue ribbons and have switched to blue “I Make A Difference” wristbands, which people reportedly continue to enjoy wearing for years. To follow the guidelines for the “Acknowledgement Ceremony,” we recommend ordering five wristbands for each person: one to wear for themselves and four to go out in the world to acknowledge others with for starters. (Plan for ahead to assure delivery ahead of your event.)

It is also important to know that: No single therapeutic approach is suitable for all people considering suicide or suicidal tendencies. The most common ways to treat underlying illnesses associated with suicide are with medication, talk therapy or a combination of the two. PREVENTION is about bringing transformational programs into our schools, places of work and churches that effectively build skills and much needed understanding to create a sense of community and belonging. KNOWING that we are here to Make A Difference is essential!