Confidently Defuse Explosive Student Situations with this Dynamic TurnAround System!
"End the Struggle with Energetically Triggered Behavior in Kids! Your Ultimate Guide to a Peaceful School and Home Life Is Here
– No More Tiptoeing Around! Let’s Say Hello to Happy Days!"
Adults With A Full Plate: Learn How MAPit Can Turn Things Around and Give You More Time and Peace! No More Stressing Over Problematic Behavior - Let's Get Your Life Back on Track!
You’ve tried: PBS. PBIS. ABA. CPS. SEL. PAX. CHAMPS. RULERS. Teaching Empathy. Growth Mindset. Maker Learning. Bloom’s Taxonomy. Brain Based Learning. Personalized Learning. Project-Based Learning. Team-Building for Learning. Blended Learning. Genius Hour. Trauma-Informed Care. Zones of Regulation. Restorative Practices. And many others.
The newest training models are academically comprehensive.
And yet, you hear yourself saying that implementing them is so mentally rigorous and time demanding, behavior improvements are taking too long, and your gut feels there is still something missing.
Unlike other programs, MAPit Micro System gets you answers you didn’t even know you needed to know, without needing a PhD, IEP, 504, psychoanalyzing, or therapizing until you are blue in the face!
From The Desk of: Mary Reynolds
Re: How to accelerate every student's learning
Hi, I’m Mary Reynolds and I am a Behavioral TurnAround Specialist who has helped thousands of teachers, administrators and parents to BE the adult that children love to show up and learn for.
I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about how to get every student successful! Every. Single. Student.
In fact, here’s the biggest problem you face right now that’s de-energizing you:
But that’s not the end of your problems. It actually gets worse! Why?
You just want a more peaceful and harmonious environment, but it feels like an unattainable dream.
It’s a real problem when the kids around you are always flying off the handle and you’re doing everything in your power just to regulate YOURSELF!
You’ve tried everything to help, but nothing seems to work. You want some peace and quiet, but it feels impossible.
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone in your struggle.
To make things even worse …
Okay, so here’s the deal: these further traumatizing “default adulting” tactics may seem like the easiest and most common solutions, BUT they won’t ever work with kids who are emotionally charged and explosive in the heat of the moment.
So, what’s the solution?
It is essential for the adult in the room to focus on understanding energetic resistance first and then addressing the root cause of the behavior.
That’s where MAPit comes in.
It is a simple micro system that helps you meaningfully connect with kids and work together to turn their energetic triggers stimulating emotional upsets around for the long term.
MAPit is for subject teachers who say, for example, “I teach math, not feelings,” but keep having to send dysregulated students to the office and then struggle to self-regulate to get back to teaching.
Think of MAPit as you and your learner working together to solve a mathematical story problem that you both love diving into.
MAPit is for administrators with a long line outside their doors every morning with the same kids day after day waiting to be assigned to detention or suspension.
Instead of listening to the same old “my dog died … again” excuses, simply say, “OK, you did what you did. Let’s MAPit Out right here, right now, before we do anything else!”
MAPit is for the parent who feels like a bad parent because they keep getting called to the school and are always on their last nerve because of it.
Instead of feeling shame as you walk into the Principal’s office, see it as your opportunity to MAPit Out with all parties involved.
Unlike other solutions, the MAPit Micro System observes and assesses what preempted the behavior in order to adequately discern what’s really going on that must be addressed before planning anything.
The intention is to repetitiously empower all children by mapping it out and using life-affirmative language with them. As with any basic learning requirement, be willing to teach them “how to” tap into their thoughts and resulting emotions as soon as they can, ultimately leading to long-lasting, sustainable solutions.
The MAPit Micro System is an evidence-based model of behavioral understanding that is trauma-informed and affirms neurodiversity. It helps adults focus on identifying and solving energetically triggered problems causing problematic behaviors in children.
The MAPit Micro System is different from approaches that rely on hurting kids to modify behavior. It significantly improves behavior and reduces or eliminates time-outs, punishments, ignoring, discipline referrals, detentions, suspensions, restraints, seclusions, and exclusion.
The MAPit Micro System is non-punitive, non-exclusionary, trauma-informed, and transcultural.
Luckily for you, there’s now a solution …
When in Doubt, MAPit Out!
Discover the ultimate guide to revitalizing your teaching and parenting approach with the MAPit System:
The go-to solution for frustrated adults navigating today’s roadmap of raising and educating today’s kids!
… and much, MUCH more!
MAPit Has The Missing Puzzle Piece: The ENERGETICS of Behavior
What is Energetics?
“Energetics is the frequency of our inner state that can be seen, felt, heard, and sensed by others as your attitudes, vibes, and tone.” -Mary Reynolds
Why does this matter?
Evidence-Based Science Observes
As the Leader In The Room You Simply Can't Have an Attitude & Keep it a Secret!
HINT: The Science of Quantum InterConnectedness!
Energetics is all about the energy you put out into the world. It’s the vibe you give off, the attitude you carry, and the tone of your interactions with others.
You literally can not have an attitude and keep it a secret! Vibes Never Lie!
DISCOVER how well-meaning, deeply caring adults can inadvertently blow kids up by trying too hard!
This is Your Opportunity to REVOLUTIONIZE the way you can quickly SELF/CO REGULATE in upsetting, unskillful, and unproductive moments.
Understanding and being mindful of your energetics is crucial in building strong relationships, both personally and professionally. It affects how others perceive and interact with you, and can impact your ability to influence and inspire those around you synergistically.
BE the adult in the room every student loves to work for! CHANGE YOUR VIBE, SEE YOUR STUDENTS THRIVE
Here’s everything you will be receiving …
From Mary’s Signature Course:
Total Value: $369
Who Is Mary Reynolds And Why Should I Listen To Her?
Mary is a renowned child behavior expert with over 40 years of experience in the field. Her insights and Energy Hacks have helped tens of thousands of adults loving, living with, and leading today's children to better understand and defuse energetically triggered behaviors quickly.
30 Day MAPit Guarantee
If “MAPit” doesn’t help you…
if it doesn’t help you…
A: reach Alignment for everyone involved by suspending all judgment in favor of being seen, heard and valued…
if it fails to help you…
then I’ll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain in getting every student successful results!
Relabeling a kid is like waving a magic wand and turning ‘struggling student’ into ‘aspiring scholar.’ It’s the instant genius that sparks hope, confidence, and potential.
By tossing out those tired old negative labels and replacing them with positive, empowering ones, you’re not just changing words—you’re flipping the script on a kid’s future. Suddenly, they’re not ‘challenging,’ they’re ‘creative problem solvers.’ Ready to be a genius-maker? Let’s relabel!
Command, Influence, and Energize with Mary’s 7 Best One Liners
Say farewell to excessive fault-finders with our 7 Best One Liners micro-dose learning bonus! Master the art of ‘energetic’ offense and turn those soul crushing fault-finding missions into your victory dance. These witty one-liners will stop nitpickers in their tracks and leave them speechless. Snag this bonus offer and show fault-finders who’s boss!
From mastering assertive comebacks to disarming negative tactics, these razor-sharp one-liners will stop fault finders and gaslighters in their tracks while energetically influencing each interaction in your favor. Take charge, build better relationships, and achieve outstanding results in every conversation.
Elevate your parenting to Jedi-level status with our Jedi Mind Trick micro-dose learning bonus. Uncover the art of staying psychically connected with your teen through three crucial steps, transforming the journey of raising them into an exhilarating adventure reminiscent of a Jedi’s quest. This authoritative and engaging approach empowers you to understand, guide, and ensure your teen’s safety effectively.
Gain this micro-dose tool to delve into your teen’s world with confidence, navigating challenges while keeping their well-being a top priority. It’s time to embrace the Jedi way and forge a powerful connection with teens.
Let’s review: Here’s everything you will be receiving …
From Mary’s Signature Moves:
Total Value: $369
Here’s to your success with how to win back time and have a life you love!
Mary Reynolds
PS … If you’re fed up with waiting endlessly on decision-makers to bring you additional help to no avail and are ready to take matters into your own hands with students you struggle to reach and teach, then MAPit is the solution you’ve been looking for… let’s get started today!
PPS …OR better yet, take this training School-Wide as a UTrain ON-DEMAND PD Workshop with a mix of instruction (3 hrs MAPit + 3 Micro Bonuses = 4.3 hrs Total), and activities along with short bursts of LIVELY group discussion questions about what you are exploring in each Module! Simply Press Play, then Stop and ask “done for you” questions, and Share thoughts in groups.